The Children's Institute has done so much for us. I had a feeling they might be our lifeline and they have been...they really have.
What began in 1902 as an organization serving one child has grown to serve thousands of amazing kids and families each year. Read about our amazing history.
The Day School is really helping Wayne become more independent as he prepares for life after school.
We were just one little family with a child who was different, climbing this huge mountain of medical complexity and feeling lost, scared, and alone. And then, thank goodness, we discovered The Children's Institute.
It was only after our family moved to Pittsburgh in November 2014 - and discovered The Children's Institute - that life really changed for the better.
The Children's Institute has been a part of our lives for so long now, and they keep coming up with innovative ideas using new technologies to help Gabby...The support we've received has been phenomenal.
When I started looking for more information about adoption, [The Children's Institute] was very responsive. They answered all of my questions and were very flexible in accommodating our needs and desires. They provided so many resources to help us make the best decisions to grow our family.
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