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AMAZING RESOURCESCare Coordination Services

Pediatric Care Coordination

Our team is here as an amazing resource for you.

Care Coordination is a team and family-driven process that facilitates access to services that improve health care outcomes and increase satisfaction for families. Our flexible and comprehensive care coordination for children is designed to meet the needs of children and the entire family with a holistic approach to care.

For Infants

Diversion or Stabilization | Prenatal to Age 3
Infant Care Coordination is a remote service that empowers families to utilize community resources and natural supports to decrease barriers that affect the infant and family's well-being.

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For Children with Medical Complexities

Prevention, Diversion or Stabilization | Birth to Age 21 
This program empowers families to meet the complex medical needs of their child in the best way possible.

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For Individuals with Substance Use Disorder

Prevention, Diversion or Stabilization | Ages 14 and Above
This 12-week specialized program aims to help individuals with substance use disorder by providing community resources to support current users, individuals in treatment, and individuals who may have relapsed. We work with the caregiver to ensure stabilization and quality of care to their children.

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For Individuals with Prader-Willi Syndrome and Other Obesity-Related Disorders

The Children's Institute has a long history of caring for children and adults with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS). As of May 31, 2021, our care coordination program for individuals wth PWS and their families transitioned to the Prader-Willi Syndrome Association (PWSA | USA). Get connected today.

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Not sure what the next step is? You can always call our Information Center to speak to a team member who can direct you to the support and answers you need.

Call Us: 412.420.2400

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