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Community-Based Instruction Spotlight: Beverly's Birthdays

Community-Based Instruction Spotlight: Beverly's Birthdays

Beverly’s Birthdays mission is to spread birthday cheer 365 days a year. Through a variety of unique, meaningful programs, they recognize, celebrate, and support thousands of children and families in the community each year who are experiencing homelessness or are in need. Since 2012, Beverly’s Birthdays has grown to support children from birth through their 18th birthday – including special milestones in between!

Students from The Day School at The Children’s Institute recently began volunteering at Beverly's Birthdays. Students work in the office and assist with assembling a variety of birthday kits which contain items such as toys, clothes, and party favors. As Beverly's Birthdays continues to grow, the need to keep up with the volume of work continues to grow as well. 

Day School students often have a high volume of work to complete and tasks are different with each volunteer shift. The Beverly’s Birthdays team has been adept at accommodating students and providing a variety of projects to complete, which keeps the students busy and engaged throughout their entire volunteer shift.

Working at Beverly’s Birthdays has been an extremely valuable experience for The Day School students. While this partnership has had many benefits, perhaps the most important is that students have been given an opportunity to demonstrate that they can perform sustained work activities in an integrated environment.

The Day School students that have participated in Beverly’s Birthdays have continued to be very successful after graduation within their post-secondary programs, often participating in volunteer work as well as pursuing competitive employment. The Day School is grateful for Beverly’s Birthdays continued collaboration and support!

The Day School’s Community-Based Instruction program provides real-world learning experiences that help students meet their goals after graduation. Our students learn to build independence in a variety of workplace and volunteer settings that help to extend their classroom learning. To learn more, please contact [email protected] or 412-420-2222.


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